Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Netragard’s Badge of Honor (Thank you McAfee)

Here at Netragard We Protect You From People Like Us™ and we mean it.  We don’t just run automated scans, massage the output, and draft you a report that makes you feel good.  That's what many companies do.  Instead, we "hack" you with a methodology that is driven by hands on research, designed to create realistic and elevated levels of threat.  Don’t take our word for it though; McAfee has helped us prove it to the world.

Through their Threat Intelligence service, McAfee Labs listed Netragard as a “High Risk” due to the level of threat that we produced during a recent engagement.  Specifically, we were using a beta variant of our custom Meterbreter malware (not to be confused with Metasploit’s Meterpreter) during an Advanced Penetration Testing engagement.  The beta malware was identified and submitted to McAfee via our customers Incident Response process.  The result was that McAfee listed Netragard as a “High Risk”, which caught our attention (and our customers attention) pretty quickly.

McAfee Flags Netragard as a High Risk
Badge of Honor

McAfee was absolutely right; we are “High Risk”, or more appropriately, "High Threat", which in our opinion is critically important when delivering quality Penetration Testing services.  After all, the purpose of a Penetration Test (with regards to I.T security) is to identify the presence of points where a real threat can make its way into or through your IT Infrastructure.  Testing at less than realistic levels of threat is akin to testing a bulletproof vest with a squirt gun.

Netragard uses a methodology that’s been dubbed Real Time Dynamic Testing™ ("RTDT").  Real Time Dynamic Testing™ is a research driven methodology specifically designed to test the Physical, Electronic (networked and standalone) and Social attack surfaces at a level of threat that is slightly greater than what is likely to be faced in the real world.  Real Time Dynamic Testing™ requires that our Penetration Testers be capable of reverse engineering, writing custom exploits, building and modifying malware, etc.  In fact, the first rendition of our Meterbreter was created as a product of of this methodology.

Another important aspect of Real Time Dynamic Testing™ is the targeting of attack surfaces individually or in tandem.  The “Netragard’s Hacker Interface Device” article is an example of how Real Time Dynamic Testing™ was used to combine Social, Physical and Electronic attacks to achieve compromise against a hardened target.  Another article titled “Facebook from the hackers perspective” provides an example of socially augmented electronic attacks driven by our methodology.

It is important that we thank McAfee for two reasons.  First we thank McAfee for responding to our request to be removed from the “High Risk” list so quickly because it was preventing our customers from being able to access our servers.  Second and possibly more important, we thank McAfee for putting us on their “High Risk” list in the first place.  The mere fact that we were perceived as a “High Risk” by McAfee means that we are doing our job right.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Netragard's Hacker Interface Device (HID)

We (Netragard) recently completed an engagement for a client with a rather restricted scope. The scope included a single IP address bound to a firewall that offered no services what so ever. It also excluded the use of social attack vectors based on social networks, telephone, or email and disallowed any physical access to the campus and surrounding areas. With all of these limitations in place, we were tasked with penetrating into the network from the perspective of a remote threat, and succeeded.

The first method of attack that people might think of when faced with a challenge like this is the use of the traditional autorun malware on a USB stick. Just mail a bunch of sticks to different people within the target company and wait for someone to plug it in; when they do its game over,they’re infected. That trick worked great back in the day but not so much any more. The first issue is that most people are well aware of the USB stick threat due to the many publishedarticles about the subject. The second is that more and more companies are pushing out group policies that disable the autorun feature in Windows systems. Those two things don’t eliminate the USB stick threat, but they certainly have a significant impact on its level of success and we wanted something more reliable.

Enter PRION, the evil HID.


A prion is an infectious agent composed of a protein in a misfolded form. In our case the prion isn’t composed of proteins but instead is composed of electronics which include a teensy microcontroller, a micro USB hub (small one from RadioShack), a mini USB cable (we needed the ends) a micro flash drive (made from one of our Netragard USB Streamers), some home-grown malware (certainly not designed to be destructive), and a USB device like a mouse, missile turret, dancing stripper, chameleon, or whatever else someone might be tempted to plug in. When they do plug it in, they will be infected by our custom malware and we will use that point of infection to compromise the rest of the network.

For the purposes of this engagement we choose to use a fancy USB logitech mouse as our Hacker Interface Device / Attack Platform. To turn our logitech Human Interface Device into a Hacker Interface Device, we had to make some modifications. The first step of course was to remove the screw from the bottom of the mouse and pop it open. Once we did that we disconnected the USB cable from the circuit board in the mouse and put that to the side. Then we proceed to use a drummel tool to shave away the extra plastic on the inside cover of the mouse. (There were all sorts of tabs that we could sacrifice). The removal of the plastic tabs was to make room for the new hardware.

Once the top of the mouse was gutted and all the unnecessary parts removed we began to focus on the USB hub. The first thing we had to do was to extract the board from the hub. Doing that is a lot harder than it sounds because the hub that we chose was glued together and we didn’t want to risk breaking the internals by being too rough. After about 15 minutes of prying with a small screwdriver (and repeated accidental hand stabbing) we were able to pull the board out from the plastic housing. We then proceeded to strip the female USB connectors off of the board by heating their respective pins to melt the solder (careful not to burn the board). Once those were extracted we were left with a naked USB hub circuit board that measured about half an inch long and was no wider than a small bic lighter.

With the mouse and the USB board prepared we began the process of soldering. The first thing that we did was to take the mini USB cable, cut one of the ends off leaving about 1 inch of wire near the connector. Then we stripped all plastic off of the connector and stripped a small amount of wire from the 4 internal wires. We soldered those four wires to the USB board making sure to follow theright pinout pattern. This is the cable that will plug into the teensy mini USB port when we insert the teensy microcontroller.

Once that was finished we took the USB cable that came with the mouse and cut the circuit board connector off of the end leaving 2 inchs of wire attached. We stripped the tips of the 4 wires still attached to the connector and soldered those to the USB hub making sure to follow the right pinout patterns mentioned above. This is an important cable as its the one that connects the USB hub to the mouse. If this cable is not soldered properly and the connections fail, then the mouse will not work. We then took the other piece of the mouse cable (the longer part) and soldered that to the USB board. This is the cable that will connect the mouse to the USB port on the computer.

At this point we have three cables soldered to the USB hub. Just to recap those cables are the mouse connector cable, the cable that goes from the mouse to the computer, and the mini USB adapter cable for the teensy device. The next and most challenging part of this is to solder the USB flash drive to the USB hub. This is important because the USB flash drive is where we store our malware. If the drive isn’t soldered on properly then we won’t be able to store our malware on the drive and the the attack would be mostly moot. ( We say mostly because we could still instruct the mouse to fetch the malware from a website, but that’s not covert.)

To solder the flash drive to the USB hub we cut about 2 inches of cable from the mini USB connector that we stole the end from previously. We stripped the ends of the wires in the cable and carefully soldered the ends to the correct points on the flash drive. Once that was done we soldered the other ends of the cable to the USB hub. At that point we had everything soldered together and had to fit it all back into the mouse. Assembly was pretty easy because we were careful to use as little material as possible while still giving us the flexibility that we needed. We wrapped the boards and wires in single layers of electrical tape as to avoid any shorts. Once everything was we plugged in we tested the devices. The USB drive mounted, the teensy card was programmable, and the mouse worked.

Time to give prion the ability to infect…

We learned that the client was using Mcafee as their antivirus solution because one of their employees was complaining about it on Facebook. Remember, we weren’t allowed to use social networks for social engineering but we certainly were allowed to do reconnaissance against social networks. With Mcafee in our sights we set out to create custom malware for the client (as we do for any client and their respective antivirus solution when needed). We wanted our malware to be able to connect back to Metasploit because we love the functionality, we also wanted the capabilities provided by meterpreter, but we needed more than that. We needed our malware to be fully undetectable and to subvert the “Do you want to allow this connection” dialogue box entirely. You can’t do that with encoding…

To make this happen we created a meterpreter C array with the windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp_dns payload. We then took that C array, chopped it up and injected it into our own wrapper of sorts. The wrapper used an undocumented (0-day) technique to completely subvert the dialogue box and to evade detection by Mcafee. When we ran our tests on a machine running Mcafee, the malware ran without a hitch. We should point out that our ability to evade Mcafee isn’t any indication of quality and that we can evade any Antivirus solution using similar custom attack methodologies. After all, its impossible to detect something if you don’t know what it is that you are looking for (It also helps to have a team of researchers at our disposal).

Once we had our malware built we loaded it onto the flash drive that we soldered into our mouse. Then we wrote some code for the teensy microcontroller to launch the malware 60 seconds after the start of user activity. Much of the code was taken from Adrian Crenshaw’s website who deserves credit for giving us this idea in the first place. After a little bit of debugging, our evil mouse named prion was working flawlessly.

Usage: Plug mouse into computer, get pwned.

The last and final step here was to ship the mouse to our customer. One of the most important aspects of this was to repack the mouse in its original package so that it appeared unopened. Then we used Jigsaw to purchase a list of our client’s employes. We did a bit of reconnaissance on each employee and found a target that looked ideal. We packaged the mouse and made it look like a promotional gadget, added fake marketing flyers, etc. then shipped the mouse. Sure enough, three days later the mouse called home.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Netragard Signage Snatching

Recently Netragard has had a few discussions with owners and operators of sports arenas, with the purpose of identifying methods in which a malicious hacker could potentially disrupt a sporting event, concert, or other large scale and highly visible event.

During the course of the these conversations, the topic of discussion shifted from network exploitation to social engineering, with a focus on compromise of the digital signage systems.  Until recently, even I hadn’t thought about how extensively network controlled signage systems are used in facilities like casinos, sports arenas, airports, and roadside billboards.  That is, until our most recent casino project.

Netragard recently completed a Network Penetration Test and Social Engineering Test for a large west coast casino, with spectacular results. Not only were our engineers able to gain the keys to the kingdom, they were also able to gain access to the systems that had supervisory control for every single digital sign in the facility.  Some people may think to themselves, “ok, what’s the big deal with that?”.  The answer is simple:  Customer perception and corporate image.

Before I continue on, let me provide some background; Early in 2008, there were two incidents in California where two on-highway digital billboards were compromised, and their displays changed from the intended display.  While both of these incidents were small pranks in comparison to what they could have done, the effect was remembered by those who drove by and saw the signs.  (Example AExample B)

Another recent billboard hack in Moscow, Russia, wasn’t as polite as the pranksters in California.  A hacker was able to gain control of a billboard in downtown Moscow (worth noting, Moscow is the 7th largest city in the world), and after subsequently gaining access, looped a video clip of pornographic material. (Example C) Imagine if this was a sports organization, and this happened during a major game.

Brining this post back on track, let’s refocus on the casino and the potential impact of signage compromise.  After spending time in the signage control server, we determined that there were over 40 unique displays available to control, some of which were over 100″ in display size.  WIth customer permission, we placed a unique image on a small sign for proof of concept purposes (go google “stallowned”).  This test, coupled with an impact audit, clearly highlighted to the casino that ensuring the security of their signage systems was nearly as paramount to securing their security systems, cage systems, and domain controllers.   All the domain security in the world means little to a customer if they’re presented with disruptive material on the signage during their visit to the casino.  A compromise of this nature could cause significant loss or revenue, and cause a customer to never re-visit the casino.

I also thought it pertinent for the purpose of this post to share another customer engagement story.  This story highlights how physical security can be compromised by a combination of social engineering and network exploitation, thus opening an additional risk vector that could allow for compromise of the local network running the digital display systems.

Netragard was engaged by a large bio-sciences company in late 2010 to assess the network and physical security of multiple locations belonging to a business unit that was a new acquisition.   During the course of this engagement, Netragard was able to take complete control of their network infrastructure remotely, as is the case in most of our engagements.  More so, our engineers were able to utilize the social engineering skills and “convince” the physical site staff to grant them building access.  Once passing this first layer of physical access, by combining social and network exploitation, they were subsequently able to gain access to sensitive labs and document storage rooms.  These facilities/rooms were key to the organizations intellectual property, and on-going research.  Had our engineers been hired by a competing company or other entity, there would have been a 100% chance that the IP (research data, trials data, and so forth) could have been spirited off company property and into hands unknown.

By combining network exploitation and social engineering, we’ve postulated to the sports arena operators that Netragard has a high probability of gaining access to the control systems for their digital signage.  Inevitably, during these discussions the organizations push back stating that their facilities have trained security staff and access control systems.  To that we inform them that the majority of sports facilities staff are more attuned to illicit access attempts in controlled areas, but only during certain periods of operation, such as active games, concerts, and other large scale events.   During non-public usage hours though, there’s a high probability that a skilled individual could gain entry to access controlled areas during a private event, or through beach of trust, such as posing as a repair technician, emergency services employee, or even a facility employee.

One area of concern for any organization, whether they be a football organization, Fortune 100 company, or a mid-size business, is breach of trust with their consumer base.  For a major sports organization, the level of national exposure and endearment far exceeds the exposure most Netragard customers have to the public.  Because of this extremely high national exposure, a sports organization and its arena are a prime target for those who may consider highly visible public disruption of games a key tool in furthering an socio-political agenda.  We’re hopeful that these organizations will continue to take a more serious stance to ensure that their systems and public image are as protected as possible.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quality Penetration Testing

The purpose of Penetration Testing is to identify the presence of points where an external entity can make its way into or through a protected entity. Penetration Testing is not unique to IT security and is used across a wide variety of different industries.  For example, Penetration Tests are used to assess the effectiveness of body armor.  This is done by exposing the armor to different munitions that represent the real threat. If a projectile penetrates the armor then the armor is revised and improved upon until it can endure the threat.

Network Penetration Testing is a class of Penetration Testing that applies to Information Technology. The purpose of Network Penetration Testing is to identify the presence of points where a threat (defined by the hacker) can align with existing risks to achieve penetration. The accurate identification of these points allows for remediation.

Successful penetration by a malicious hacker can result in the compromise of data with respect to Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (“CIA”).  In order to ensure that a Network Penetration Test provides an accurate measure of risk (risk = probability x impact) the test must be delivered at a threat level that is slightly elevated from that which is likely to be faced in the real world. Testing at a lower than realistic threat level would be akin to testing a bulletproof vest with a squirt gun.

Threat levels can be adjusted by adding or removing attack classes. These attack classes are organized under three top-level categories, which are Network Attacks, Social Attacks, and Physical Attacks.  Each of the top-level categories can operate in a standalone configuration or can be used to augment the other.  For example, Network Penetration Testing with Social Engineering creates a significantly higher level of threat than just Network Penetration Testing or Social Engineering alone.  Each of the top-level threat categories contains numerous individual attacks.

A well-designed Network Penetration Testing engagement should employ the same attack classes as a real threat. This ensures that testing is realistic which helps to ensure effectiveness. All networked entities face threats that include Network and Social attack classes. Despite this fact, most Network Penetration Tests entirely overlook the Social attack class and thus test at radically reduced threat levels. Testing at reduced threat levels defeats the purpose of testing by failing to identify the same level of risks that would likely be identified by the real threat.  The level of threat that is produced by a Network Penetration Testing team is one of the primary measures of service quality.